Hypermini marketability research kickoff event held in

Nissan recently announced
that it will be donating 15 Hypermini electric vehicle for use
in a program in which the marketability of the Hypermini will
be researched. In this study, Nissan and UC Davis will be jointly
researching the marketability of the Hypermini in America through
the use of 15 Hypermini vehicles donated by Nissan. Researchers
will be keeping logs of the reactions of Davis citizens to various
attributes of the vehicle.
The kickoff event for this research study was held on November
7, 2001 in Central Park, which is located in Davis, California.
The event was held under the joint auspices of Nissan and UC
Davis. Media representatives from local TV stations, the city
of Davis, CARB, and UC Davis were invited to the event.
This event began with a speech and was presided over by Dr.Spreling,
the director of the UC Davis ITS (Institute of Transportation).
Dr. Hinshaw, UC Davis Provost and Mr. Ishida, the president
of Nissan Technical Center North America (NTCNA) also gave speeches
at the event. After the speeches were finished, Mr. Ishii presented
Dr. Hinshaw with a Hypermini key.
Dr. Hinshaw was quoted as saying, "Nissan is providing us a
valuable opportunity. City cars like the Hypermini represent
a new idea for most Americans." Mr. Ishii stated, "Getting
solid, real world data on how these unique vehicles are used
is critical to our process of determining just what kind of
electric vehicles are suitable for American consumers."
Test drives were also held at the event, which helped to spark
the interest of those in attendance, and gave many people high
expectations for the Hypermini's design and performance.