Opening commemoration ceremony of Kyoto
public car system was held in December 15, 2000 in Kyoto International
Conference Hall.
Many members to improve environmental and traffic problems will use
An actual proof experiment will be operate December, 2000 to March,
2001 by Japan Electric Vehicle Association (JEVA).
EVs to use in this project are 15 of Nissan Hyper mini and 20 of Toyota
e-com. There is 29 re-charge system in five stations. To reserve,
to rent, to return are all control by control center.
IC card memberships are needed to use car in this system. Members
can make a reservation through computer or cell phone. About 300
peoples in membership at this point.
The ceremony was prosperously. There were more than 100 people of
attendance, 10 companies press and person in the concerned.
At the beginning of the ceremony, Mr Enomoto, JEVA Chairman made a
speech, then opinion explain was talked by Professor Kitamura(Kyoto
university), committee of Kyoto public car system research society.
Attendance made a trial trip after the ceremony to have actual feeling
of EV's efficiency.
Also, An explanatory meeting was held for press to show how to use
this public car system.
It was 35 affair and 19 vehicles ware used in the first day.

Opening commemoration ceremony
Nissan Hypermini Toyota e-com
Public car system